суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amitabh black reviews::Yes, the physically challenged people amitabh black reviews

amitabh black reviews amitabh black reviews::Yes, the physically challenged people.
They never desire our sympathy.
They need to be treated like normal human beings.
You work around it.
Life is a struggle for all of us.
The basic question the film addresses is: are we willing to make that effort to overcome the hardships?
As an artiste i feel extremely satisfied.
It put me in touch with emotions within me that i had never touched before.
The hard edges and hidden corners inside tend to remain unexplored.
Black gave me an opportunity to explore those emotions.
Black is such a welcome relief.
It has salvaged me as an actor.
Everything, from its exceptional background score by monty to the cinematography by ravi chandran, is beyond anything seen in our cinema.
But the wait has been worth it.
Black has unburdened me of mediocrity.
I feel black will open a new chapter in hindi cinema.
And cinema should be prepared to acknowledge and honour it.
Black will take us several notches higher.
Black grips you from the start and it haunts you for days.
This is where the craft and genius of filmmakers come in.
Black does just that.
To have the capacity and depth to treat such a complex subject so lucidly is something inexplicable.
His power of observation is incredible.
On camera we tend to get into convulsions and contortions.
To incorporate mannerisms taken from real life is a very brave thing to do.
The foundation for the project was so strong i saw no need to add anything.
The moments are enhanced by the props, the lines, clothes and the environment provided.
Without these props an actor is lost.
That a girl that small can give such a huge performance is incredible.
Rani is a natural.
Very spontaneous and instinctive.
No director needs to explain excessively to her.
To have a costar like her who gives the right cues and responses certainly enhances my performing ability.
Most of my scenes in black are with rani.
That gave us time to build up the moments.

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