четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

nemo me impune lacesset::The stamp first appeared in the pennsylvania gazette and it depicted a snake cut into eight sections nemo me impune lacesset

nemo me impune lacesset nemo me impune lacesset::The stamp first appeared in the pennsylvania gazette and it depicted a snake cut into eight sections.
Each of these eight sections represented one of the eight individual colonies.
The snake was also shaped in such a fashion that the curves represented the northeastern coastline.
I did learn that you can talk someone into completing an electrical path for a welder using only their hands.
Ah, but that is a story for another time.
Good to see you back.
We were talking about the snake that mr.
Franklin had carved and put to print in an effort to get the colonies to unify against france and her native allies in the french and indian war.
While there are many theories as to why he chose a snake, i think his thought process will be brought out in later years.
The symbol of the snake spread throughout the colonies and evolved in the few short years approaching the american revolution.
The snake shows up in a multitude of places and mediums.
The author was later identified as none other than, you guessed it, benjamin franklin.
She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance.
She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: she is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.
Actually it is unknown if the famous symbol originated from a stroke of groundpounding creativity or if it was based on a design created by christopher gadsden.
You know the honor of the best branch of military belongs to the navy.
The first naval fleet would consist of four ships with the alfred being the named first.
The continental congress authorized the creation of five companies of marines to accompany the navy on their maiden mission.
Enter christopher gadsden, a continental colonel from south carolina and one of the three members of the marine committee responsible for getting the navy underway.
Thus is became known as the gadsden flag.
You take fierce courage, wholehearted independence, and a willingness to defend themselves and there you have it my friend a brief history on how one of my favorite symbols and what is represents came about.
Oh, and watch where you step.

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