суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amite movie theater::I remember once seems like not long ago where google amite movie theater

amite movie theater amite movie theater::I remember once seems like not long ago where google.
Com was simple just another search engine fighting for a peace of the websurfers favor, and though they it was a good search engine it was only that; nothing more, nothing less.
Those days it seems are long gone now and the little searchengine that could, still can.
Today the brand google is a household one and only a few can actually remember that there were choices for searching once a long time ago.
Now all we have is google and a bunch of empty shells pretending, sucked dry by the newcomer with the simple interface.
Still are quite widely used in the us, i cannot remember the last time i heard of something using anything other then google.
And are both using , which is actually looking relatively promising.
And of course the searches are handled by.
So google, yahoo, microsoft live.
Com and the underdog: ask.
Since google launched around april 2004 they have been busy while chanting web based tools!
Nevertheless with being a great hit and their program still making money head over fist they may as continue down the path without even considering looking back.
Has had its startup gremlins, but as did gmail if i remember correctly and that turned out more the fine.
So it will properly not matter that most wont ever know about it.
It has a good chance of being adopted in many aspects by many webprofessionals and if that succeeds, then all internet users will meet it daily and benefit from its features whether they are aware of what it or not.
Theory, philosophy and usability of and behind the use of these widgets and services are as always very positive.
There is only one problem; no matter how much they try to tell you otherwise: google corp.
Is first of all a business and that means profit and to be honest, it often shine through.
Let us look at a few examples hereof.
Getting these from slow third party locations was reducing site performance.
This was just a brief example.
There are literally hundreds of those tools available to you once you have created an account and passed along a few personal details.
Seems like a fair trade.
And it will return a chart to you based on the values that you have provided and seemingly adfree!
Definitely a service with potential for great many simple solutions to otherwise complex problems.
I occurred to me that google is actually no longer a search engine.
Granted it is still there they turn around the bulk of they revenue but it is not where they wish to remain.

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